Harvest Evangelical Free Church
Goodland, Kansas
Founded 2007
As members of Harvest Evangelical Free Church, an Evangelical Free Church, in order to carry out more efficiently the commissions given by Jesus Christ to His church do establish the following Constitution to which we voluntarily submit ourselves.
1.100 The name of this organization shall be Harvest Evangelical Free Church, a member of the Evangelical Free Church of America.
2.100 Authority: The government of the church is congregational, meaning autonomous, and self governing.
2.200 Affiliation: This Church shall be affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America, both at the district and national levels. It will support the works of the Midwest District Conference, support their missions and will unite in the furtherance of the Gospel of Christ in the measure that the Church itself may officially decide.
(See Attachment 1, “Statement of Faith of The Evangelical Free Church of America”)
4.100 Membership of this church shall be composed of those individuals who, through saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, have been born again, who manifest the fruit of a genuine Christian life, who are in harmony with the aforementioned Doctrinal Statement. (See section 7 of By-laws for membership procedure and expectations.)
5.100 The purpose of this church is to Join God in the Harvest by
5.101 Planting. Building relationships with people so that we can model and share the gospel of Christ.
5.102 Growing and maturing in Christ through the ministries of Harvest EFC.
5.103 Equipping and training the believer to make a spiritual contribution to the lives of people.
5.104 Sending and empowering people from our church to serve in other ministries.
5.200 The core values of this church, by which the church shall fulfill its Purpose, shall include, but are not necessarily limited to:
5.201 God's Word – It is the truth and final authority on faith and how we live our lives. (II Timothy 3:16).
5.202 Prayer – It is the power that fuels our ministries and impacts lives. (Ephesians 6:18; James 5:16).
5.203 Evangelism - We desire to join God in the harvest, which means sharing His message of salvation and inviting people to enter into a relationship with God. (Matthew 28:19; Romans 10:14).
5.204 Discipleship - We desire to see people grow in their relationship with God and multiply themselves by making disciples. (Matthew 28:19).
5.205 Community – We value relationships. We value sharing our lives with one another, for it is in community that we grow spiritually. (Acts 2:42-47).
6.100 This church shall have the power to receive, by gift, purchase, or any other means, such real, personal, or mixed property as is authorized by the laws of the State of Kansas and as is deemed necessary for the business of the church, and shall have the power to dispose of such property by deed of trust or any legal means. All such property shall be held in the name of the church.
6.200 In the case of a division of the church, the property shall belong to those who most closely abide by its Constitution and By-Laws as determined by the Midwest District Board who shall be given the power to decide in such an event. Members are not to bring lawsuits before the civil courts, except to enforce a decision of the District Conference (1 Corinthians 6:1-11).
6.300 In the case of dissolution of the church organization, the property shall be assigned to the Midwest District Conference of the Evangelical Free Church of America, to enable said conference to renew the work or use values thereof for further Gospel enterprises. The church shall be considered dissolved if so decided by the church membership, or when the church has not held an annual meeting for three years, or when less than six members remain.
7.100 Amendments to this Constitution must be submitted to the members in writing and adopted as a preliminary step at any scheduled business meeting of this Church. They must be voted upon as previously adopted and without further amendment at the succeeding business meeting. The proposed amendment must receive the affirmative vote of three-fourths (75%) of the membership present and voting.
Harvest Evangelical Free Church
Goodland, Kansas
Founded 2007 – Revised 2020
Ultimate authority in the church will reside in the members of the congregation to make the following major decisions:
· Changes to the constitution and by-laws
· Approving the annual budget
· Adding to or changing the facility
· Approval of property purchases or disillusion
· Calling and selecting paid pastoral staff
· Selection or appointment of the principal governing board (Elders)
Once elected, the elders will handle the operational needs of the church. Any voting member may request to speak to or bring a matter before the Elder Board at any regular scheduled Elder board meeting. The Elder Board may choose to close the meeting to visitors while in executive session.
Qualifications. Elder Board members will be mature, godly men who display the qualifications stipulated by the Scriptures (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9, 1 Peter 5:1-4). All Elders will be members in good standing of Harvest Evangelical Free Church.
Organization. The Elder Board will consist of three (3) men elected from the church membership by the congregation. This board shall be enlarged by one (1) Elder for every additional 25 members when the membership exceeds fifty (50). In addition, the pastor will serve as a full member of the Elder Board.
The Elder Board will be self-organizing. The various functions required to carry out the business and ministry of the church will be parceled out among the board members on an annual basis. Interest, training, and spiritual gifts will be used to make these choices.
Chairman. The office of Chairman will be elected by the elders from the Elder Board. The Chairman will preside at all church business meetings and Elder Board meetings. He will work with the Pastor in drawing up the meeting agendas.
Term of Office. Elders shall be elected at the annual meeting of the church for a term of (3) years, and when possible an equal number shall rotate off the board each year.
Function. The Elder Board will have a three-fold function. First, they will build and develop their spiritual lives as well as the lives of their families. Second, they will oversee the spiritual development of those who attend Harvest EFC. This involves positive impartation of truth, refutation of error, and the administration of discipline. Third, they will guide the church toward health by assessing the needs of the church, planning, implementing and evaluating in light of the overall church's mission, vision, values, and goals.
Meetings. The Elder Board will meet monthly or as often as is necessary to adequately lead the church. Minutes of all Elder Board meetings where the business or programs of the church are discussed will be taken by an appointed secretary and posted for the congregation's review.
Accountability. The Elder Board is accountable to the Lord Jesus Christ for all its actions. The Senior Pastor and additional ministry staff are accountable to the Elder Board. The congregation is accountable for all its actions and support of the Elders. (Hebrews 13:17)
In addition to the Elders, the congregation shall elect from its membership the following officers whose names have been submitted to the congregation by the nominating committee. Their terms shall be one year. If the elected individual cannot complete his/her term, the elders will make an appointment and notify the membership of the appointment.
Secretary. The secretary shall accurately record the proceedings of all congregational meetings. The secretary shall see that all records are filed and preserved.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall disburse the funds. He/she shall report the financial standing of the church at the business meetings.
Financial Secretary. He/she shall receive and count all monies for the church. He/she will deposit weekly funds into the prescribed accounts and report such deposits to the Treasurer.
The congregation shall elect from the floor the following committee members. The election shall take place no later than the quarterly meeting prior to the annual meeting.
Nominating Committee. This committee shall consist of five (5) members. The pastor, an elder and three (3) elected from the membership. The committee shall elect a chairperson. The chairperson will schedule and facilitate the meetings necessary to complete their duties.
Budget Committee. The Budget Committee shall consist of five (5) members, the Treasurer, the Financial Secretary and three (3) elected from church membership. They shall gather financial information from the various boards and ministry teams and create a budget proposal. This proposal will be presented to the congregation at the annual meeting for congregational approval.
Additional Nominations. Additional nominations, who have given their prior consent, to serve may be received from the floor by any member at the annual or quarterly business meeting.
The Board of Elders shall appoint or affirm various ministry teams or individuals that are necessary to accomplish the vision of Harvest Evangelical Free Church. The appointment will be for one year and the person may serve unlimited number of terms. The various ministry teams and appointments will be subject to the congregation's approval.
Accountability. Each ministry team shall be placed under the oversight of an Elder. A representative from the ministry team may be asked to meet with the Elder Board for discussion and accountability.
Qualifications. The senior pastor shall meet the qualifications for his calling as outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. He shall be a worthy example in his life and teaching, shall subscribe to the Statement of Faith, and shall agree to abide by the constitution and by-laws. He shall be, or willing to be, licensed and/or ordained and shall be willing to cooperate fully with the Evangelical Free Church of America.
Call. The pastoral candidate must receive a three-fourths (¾) majority vote at any regular or special congregation meeting to be called as pastor. The call shall be for an indefinite period of time. Upon acceptance of this call, he and (if married) his spouse shall become church members. They shall cease membership at the termination of their ministry.
Letter of Call. The letter of call extended to the potential Pastor must be considered a contract and it must at least contain a statement on the following items as provisions: the decision of the congregational meeting, salary, job description, professional expense, and vacation time. Housing and moving allowances to be determined after consulting with the candidate.
Termination. Both the pastor and membership shall have the right of termination of such services on 30 days notice or at a period mutually agreed upon.
The securing of additional personnel shall be done by recommendation of the Elder Board to the church membership at a business meeting. The elders shall present the recommendation to the membership for financial compensation and budget approval.
Accountability. Ministry staff oversight will be delegated to the Senior Pastor. In the event that an issue arises and cannot be resolved within the staff structure, the staff member or Senior Pastor may request for a hearing concerning the unresolved issue with the Elder Board.
Accusations by Membership. Accusations against any of the ministry staff must be in writing and supported by at least two church members in order to be considered by the Elder Board. These accusations are to be handled in the same manner as those against members under the procedure outlined in the section entitled, “Dealing with sin in the church.” (Section 8).
Staff Termination. If the Elders find a staff person is ineffective in carrying out their expected ministry responsibilities, the membership will be informed on this decision and the elders may call for a vote of termination. A three-fourths (¾) vote is needed for termination of a staff person.
Qualification for Membership. Membership in the congregation shall be open to those who:
· Have confessed biblical faith in Jesus Christ, and who are seeking to honor Him as Lord.
· Are at least eighteen (18) years of age.
· Have completed the Newcomers Class of instruction on the vision, mission, and core values of Harvest EFC and doctrine of the Evangelical Free Church of America.
· Letters of transfer will not be accepted for membership into Harvest EFC.
Applying for Membership. Those who desire to become members of this church may apply for membership by contacting any member of the Elder board, Pastor or Church Secretary for a membership application.
Membership Expectations. It is the membership that gives assent and encouragement to the people and the ministries of the congregation. Members will be expected to:
· Exercise their spiritual gifts by serving their church body.
· Pray for the leadership, people, and ministries of the church.
· Financially support the ministries
· Develop their personal spiritual growth
· Attend worship activities and business meetings
· Support the leadership, mission, vision, and values of Harvest EFC
Acceptance into Membership. After completing the Newcomers Class, those wishing to become members will interview with the Elder Board where they will share their confession of faith and sign a church covenant. Once approved, new members shall be announced at any regular Sunday service.
Termination of Membership. Members may make a written request to the Elder Board to withdraw their membership. The Elder Board may contact members who have been absent for six months or more to ascertain, by speaking personally in consultation, and exhort to remove them from the membership role without satisfactory reason for their absence or a desire to return to involvement.
Presumption of Innocence. First rule, in conflict resolution is the presumption of innocence. Assume they are innocent of wrongdoing. The transgression should prayerfully be given to God that the matter may be put in the past. If so, it must never be used against the transgressor. “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.” (Col. 3:13).
Private Interview. Second, the guilt or innocence of the transgressor should be ascertained by speaking personally and privately as to the offense. If the transgressor listens and responds in humility seeking forgiveness, it must be granted. “If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over.” (Matt. 18:15).
Leadership. Third, if no admission of guilt or reasonable clarification is expressed, the transgression should be turned over to the church Elders for clarification and attention.
Fourth, should the preceding actions reach a satisfactory conclusion, the matter should be a compromise between all parties. If not, guidance from the Elders must be biblical in restoration of one's brothers and sisters in Christ. “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.” (Gal. 6:1).
Elders. The Elders may propose amendment(s) at any business meeting as set forth in this section.
First Reading. The Elders must submit proposed amendment(s) to the congregation as a first reading at any scheduled business meeting. Proposed amendment(s) may be voted on for approval no sooner than three months after the first reading. Written copies of the proposed amendment(s) will be made available to the congregation after the first reading.
Amendment(s) so submitted will be voted on by ballot and shall be adopted upon receiving the votes of three-fourths (¾) of the members present. (See Quorum, Section 10).
Any number of amendments may be submitted and voted upon at any one business meeting, considering the above procedure has been followed.
By-Laws Review. These by-laws shall be subject to review at least every ten years and, as necessary, revisions will be made. The review procedure will be undertaken by a “by-law committee” of at least three members, approved by the members of the congregation at a scheduled business meeting. Any and all revisions and/or amendments will be approved by the procedure set forth in the amendments to the by-law section.
The government of the Church shall be congregational. Major decisions, as stated in section 1, shall be determined by the church membership at properly announced business meetings.
Quorum. A quorum for business meetings shall consist of twenty-five percent (25%) of the resident members.
Annual Meeting. The annual business meeting of the membership shall be held during the month of January at which time church business will be conducted, all officers shall be elected, and the church budget will be presented by the Budget Committee.
Quarterly Meeting. The quarterly business meetings shall be held during the first month of each quarter of the calendar year.
Special Meeting. A special business meeting may be called at any time by the Elders to deal with major decisions that need to be addressed before the next scheduled business meeting.
Scheduling. The Elders shall schedule and announce all business meetings for two morning worship services prior to the meeting.
Parliamentary Procedure:
Jesus is the lone Head of the Church (Eph. 1:22; Col. 1:18). This means the church is governed preeminently as a Christocracy not a democracy. Although unanimous agreement is preferable, a minimum of three-fourths (¾) vote of those present will decide all issues at business meetings.
· Members can engage in “informal discussion” of a matter while no motion is pending.
· Motions need not be seconded but clearly stated
· Votes on motions can be taken initially by show of hands after discussion of the matter has been called by the chair
· Matters can be handled by common consent if there are no anticipated objections. On routine and unimportant matters for which there is no apparent opposition, the chair can take action by “unanimous consent” by stating “If there is no objection” the matter is decided upon.
· Any objections may be considered as important enough for further resolution even if there is three-fourths (3/4) vote to pass it. Except when voted on by ballot, the chair may elect to table the passing of a motion until further discernment can be made in conference and confidentiality between the objecting party(s) and the Elder board at a later date. Final decision to allow or disallow the passing of the motion can then be made by the Elder board without the need for an additional vote of the membership if so resolved and announced with biblical support.
The following positions are held with the full realization that some Christians and Christian churches may have different views. We have stated these positions so that unnecessary tensions can be avoided. It is also recognized that members of this church may have personal views that are different than those stated. We have voluntarily committed ourselves to these positions for the sake of unity and growth of this church.
Role of Women in Ministry. This church has taken the position that women may use their spiritual gifts in a wide range of ministry settings. We have also agreed that women will not serve in the positions of Senior Pastor, Church Chairman, or Elder.
Qualifications of Leadership. This church will seek to raise up men and women to serve as leaders. We hold that a leader must have godly character as outlined in Scripture (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1;6-9). However, past history does not necessarily qualify or disqualify a person for or from leadership. In looking for spiritual leaders, we will seek individuals who are following Jesus Christ, and who desire to serve God and their church.
Divorce and Remarriage. We hold that the passages (1 Timothy 3:2,12; Titus 1:6) that speaks of “husband of one wife” or the revised NIV “faithful to his wife” as meaning being faithfully committed to one’s wife in moral purity. We find no evidence in scripture that a divorce history is an automatic or permanent disqualifier for leadership in the Body of Christ, whether Pastoral, Elder, or Lay leadership. We affirm an uncompromising commitment to the standards for leadership that are set forth in the Bible. In summary, all candidates for leadership must be considered carefully and individually with testimony of transformation, evidence of maturity, and sincere in all of the standards as set forth in (1 Timothy 3:2-7).
Non-member Participation in Ministry. Non-members will be encouraged to participate at any level of ministry except elected positions. Non-members will not vote at business meetings of the church. This reflects the desire to encourage ministry over membership.
Speaking in Tongues. Speaking in tongues has caused much confusion in many church groups; therefore, we have adopted the following position: Believers who practice the gift of “speaking in tongues” shall not be excluded from the church body. It is held that “tongues” are not necessary or significant to the spiritual life and testimony of the church. Since “speaking in tongues” can be a divisive force, those who practice “speaking in tongues” are asked to restrict such practice to their private life.
Mode of Baptism. Baptism is a step of obedience symbolizing the believer's faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. Baptism has no saving power. Although there are different modes of baptism, we practice immersion as it best symbolizes the believer's identification with Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:1-7), and the new spiritual life experienced in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Communion. The elements of the Lord's Supper are symbolic of the Savior's death, burial and resurrection. It has no saving merit. Communion will typically be observed on a monthly basis.
Same-sex Marriage. The statement of faith does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs. The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conducts of mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we believe (2 Timothy 3:6). For purposes of Harvest Evangelical Church’s faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, our Pastor and Elder Leadership Team is Harvest EFC’s final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application. Consequently, Harvest EFC believes God has ordained marriage (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:24) and defined it as the covenant relationship between a man, a woman, and Himself (Ephesians 5:21-33). Harvest Evangelical Free Church will only recognize marriages between a biological man and a biological woman (Genesis 2:24; Romans 1:24-27). Further, the pastor and staff of Harvest EFC shall only participate in weddings and solemnize marriages between one man and one woman. Finally, the facilities and property of Harvest EFC shall only host weddings between one man and one woman.
(Adopted July 26, 2020)